18 research outputs found

    Design Methodology for Rehabilitation Robots: Application in an Exoskeleton for Upper Limb Rehabilitation

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    This article presents a methodology for the design of rehabilitation devices that considers factors involved in a clinical environment. This methodology integrates different disciplines that work together. The methodology is composed by three phases and 13 stages with specific tasks, the first phase includes the clinical context considering the requirements of the patient and therapist during the rehabilitation, the second phase is focused in engineering based on the philosophy of digital twin, and in the third phase is evaluated the device. This article explains the characteristics of the methodology and how it was applied in the design of an exoskeleton for passive rehabilitation of upper limb

    Design Criteria of Soft Exogloves for Hand Rehabilitation- Assistance Tasks

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    This paper establishes design criteria for soft exogloves (SEG) to be used as rehabilitation or assistance devices. This research consists in identifying, selecting, and grouping SEG features based on the analysis of 91 systems that have been proposed during the last decade. Thus, function, mobility, and usability criteria are defined and explicitly discussed to highlight SEG design guidelines. Additionally, this study provides a detailed description of each system that was analysed including application, functional task, palm design, actuation type, assistance mode, degrees of freedom (DOF), target fingers, motions, material, weight, force, pressure (only for fluids), control strategy, and assessment. Such characteristics have been reported according to specific design methodologies and operating principles. Technological trends are contemplated in this contribution with emphasis on SEG design opportunity areas. In this review, suggestions, limitations, and implications are also discussed in order to enhance future SEG developments aimed at stroke survivors or people with hand disabilities


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    Un Robot movilizador pasivo continuo de 14 grados de libertadUn Robot movilizador pasivo continuo de 14 grados de libertad con posibilidad de cambios entre modos de movilización para miembro parético, carga aparente, circunferencial y seguimiento, incluye soporte postural (bipedestación y sentado) con ajuste vertical y horizontal, dos miembros superiores, siete motores por cada miembro, interfaz hombre-máquina y sistema de control. En el modo de movilización para miembro parético, se mantiene fijo algún eslabón, mientras otro tiene movimiento. En modo de carga aparente las transformaciones homogéneas describen el comportamiento de la manipulación colaborativa cuando ambos miembros levantan una caja con carga no significativa. Al ejecutar el modo circunferencial ambos brazos emulan el agarre de un timón. Cuando el modo de seguimiento es seleccionado, un brazo realiza determinados movimientos que son seguidos por el otro brazo, copiando los desplazamientos del brazo maestro

    Design Methodology for Soft Wearable Devices—The MOSAR Case

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    This paper proposes a methodology from the conception to the manufacture of soft wearable devices (SWD). This methodology seeks to unify medical, therapeutic and engineering guidelines for research, development and innovation. The aforementioned methodology is divided into two stages (A and B) and four phases. Stage A only includes phase 1 to identify the main necessity for a patient that will define the target of its associated device. Stage B encompasses phases 2, 3 and 4. The development of three models (virtual, mathematical and experimental physical) of the required device is addressed in phase 2. Phase 3 concerns the control and manufacture of the experimental physical model (EPM). Phase 4 focuses on the EPM experimental validation. As a result of this methodology, 13 mobility, 11 usability and 3 control iterative design criteria for SWD are reported. Moreover, more than 50 products are provided on a technological platform with modular architectures that facilitate SWD diversification. A case study related to a soft mobilizer for upper limb rehabilitation is reported. Nevertheless, this methodology can be implemented in different areas and accelerates the transition from development to innovation

    Design of an Exoskeleton based on Four Cases of Upper Limb Rehabilitation Study

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    En este artículo se presenta un enfoque para rehabilitación pasiva de miembro superior mediante la formulación de cuatro casos de estudio haciendo un análisis de las patologías y los ejercicios que se aplican. Para llevar a cabo la experimentación en los casos propuestos se registraron los datos de las trayectorias de las articulaciones del brazo de un paciente realizando los ejercicios de rehabilitación con un terapeuta. Se diseñó el exoesqueleto ERMIS de siete grados de libertad para emular los movimientos anatómicos en el brazo durante la rehabilitación a partir de los requerimientos de los casos de estudio. Para validar el funcionamiento del exoesqueleto en los casos se simuló el modelo dinámico del ERMIS y se compararon los datos con los datos muestreados de los ejercicios. Al final se presentan los resultados obtenidos de los ejercicios realizados con el exoesqueleto, obteniendo en la precisión un desempeño promedio del 95% en los movimientos de hombro, codo y muñeca al emular la terapia con timón.This paper presents an approach for passive upper limb rehabilitation based on four case studies by analyzing the pathologies and exercises that are applied. To carry out the experimentation in the proposed cases, the data from the trajectories of the patient’s arm articulations were registered, performing the rehabilitation exercises with a therapist. The ERMIS exoskeleton´s seven degrees of freedom was designed to emulate the anatomical movements in the arm during rehabilitation from the requirements of the case studies. To validate the exoskeleton performance in the study cases, the ERMIS’s dynamic model was simulated and the data were compared with the sampled data of the exercises. At the end, the results obtained from exoskeleton exercises emulating rudder therapy, where shoulder, elbow and wrist movements were showed with an accuracy of 95%

    Análisis de Cienciometría y Patentometría para Determinar el Panorama de Conocimiento en Tecnologías de Innovación: Dos Equipos de Ultrasonido Terapéuticos

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    En este artículo se propone un modelo de información para determinar el panorama de las tecnologías emergentes relacionadas con los equipos de terapia de ultrasonido, el cual permite la identificación de cuatro grandes categorías en el área de la investigación y el desarrollo dentro del campo, utilizando una metodología competitiva que incorpora la evaluación de publicaciones científicas y un análisis de patentes; utilizando distintas bases de datos mediante la agrupación por palabras clave y cronología. Se examinaron las bases de datos de Google Académico, Scopus, Springer, Sage Journals, ScienceDirect y Academic.edu para consultar artículos y publicaciones científicas; se encontraron alrededor de 67,000 artículos de los cuales únicamente 119 cumplen con los criterios de exclusión, en donde se analizó cómo está conformado un equipo de ultrasonido, sus distintas aplicaciones y nuevas tendencias desde un enfoque de interfaz humano computadora. Las bases de datos utilizadas para la recolección de las patentes fueron Patentscope, Google Patents, e Invenes, así como las bases de WIPO y USPTO; en las cuales se encontraron alrededor 421 patentes con relación a los equipos de ultrasonido, los países en los que se registró la patente y la forma en la que la clasifican. Finalmente, sólo 16 patentes cumplen con los criterios de exclusión. Los resultados indican que Estados Unidos es la nación con más difusión tanto en la publicación de artículos como en patentes.This paper proposes an information model to determine the panorama of emerging technologies related to ultrasound equipment, which allows the identification of four main categories of research and development within the field, using a competitive methodology that incorporates the evaluation of scientific publications and a patent analysis; by using different databases by keywords clustering and years relevance. Google Scholar, Scopus, Springer, Sage Journals, ScienceDirect and Academic.edu databases were examined to consult articles and scientific publications; about 67,000 articles were found, of which only 119 met the exclusion criteria, the different parts of an ultrasound equipment, its different applications and new trends were analysed. The databases of Patentscope, Google Patents, and Invenes, as well as the bases of WIPO and USPTO were used for the recollection of patents; in which about 421 patents were found in relation to ultrasound equipment, the country in which the patent was registered and the way it is classified. Finally, only 16 patents meet the exclusion criteria. The results show USA as the country with the most diffusion rate in publishing articles and patents

    Knee Exoskeletons Design Approaches to Boost Strength Capability: A Review

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    Exoesqueleto para incrementar la fuerza en las rodillasThere are different devices to increase the strength capacity of people with walking problems. These devices can be classified into exoskeletons, orthotics, and braces. This review aims to identify the state of the art in the design of these medical devices, based on an analysis of patents and literature. However, there are some difficulties in processing the records due to the lack of filters and standardization in the names, generating discrepancies between the search engines, among others. Concerning the patents, 74 patents were analyzed using search engines such as Google Patents, Derwent, The Lens, Patentscope, and Espacenet over the past ten years. A bibliometric analysis was performed using 63 scientific reports from Web of Science and The Lens in the same period for scientific communications. The results show a trend to use the mechanical design of exoskeletons based on articulated rigid structures and elements that provide force to move the structure. These are generally two types: (a) elastic elements and (b) electromechanical elements. The United States accounts for 32% of the technological patents reviewed. The results suggest that the use of exoskeletons or orthoses customized to the users’ needs will continue to increase over the years due to the worldwide growth in disability, particularly related to mobility difficulties and technologies related to the combined use of springs and actuators

    MOPAREM: Passive Wrist Mobilizer implemented in Three Case Studies

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    Se pretende validar el diseño del movilizador pasivo para rehabilitación de muñeca (MOPAREM) en tres casos de estudio mediante una metodología de diseño conformada por tres etapas y trece fases. Los resultados sugieren el establecimiento de las características finales del MOPAREM, validadas en simulación y experimentación con una diferencia de datos de 0.1 Nm, ya que logran un nivel de madurez tecnológica TRL4 y constituyen un modelo físico experimental de bajo costo que opera con parámetros controlados de laboratorio. Son necesarias nuevas alternativas de solución al problema que representa la rehabilitación de la muñeca con base en el bajo costo para los pacientes.Se pretende validar el diseño del movilizador pasivo para rehabilitación de muñeca (MOPAREM) en tres casos de estudio mediante una metodología de diseño conformada por tres etapas y trece fases. Los resultados sugieren el establecimiento de las características finales del MOPAREM, validadas en simulación y experimentación con una diferencia de datos de 0.1 Nm, ya que logran un nivel de madurez tecnológica TRL4 y constituyen un modelo físico experimental de bajo costo que opera con parámetros controlados de laboratorio. Son necesarias nuevas alternativas de solución al problema que representa la rehabilitación de la muñeca con base en el bajo costo para los pacientes

    Internal ballistics of polygonal and grooved barrels: A comparative study

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    As a parameter important ballistic, the research about polygonal and grooved barrels’ behavior has not been widely carried out. The pressures, velocities, stresses, deformations, and strains generated by the firing of 9 mm × 19 mm ammunition in weapons with polygonal barrels are analyzed numerically and experimentally, compared with those generated in pistols with grooved barrels. The Finite Element Method with equal boundary and loading conditions was used in both types of guns, specifying the actual materials of the projectile and the barrels. Subsequently, experimental tests were carried out on various weapons with 9 mm ammunitions of 115, 122, and 124 gr. The results show that the 9 mm bullet fired in a polygonal barrel undergoes a maximum deformation towards its exterior of 0.178 mm and interior of 0.158 mm, with stress up to 295.85 MPa. Compared with 0.025 mm maximum external deformation and 0.112 mm internal deformation of 9 mm projectiles fired in a grooved barrel, with stress up to 269.79 MPa. The deformation in the polygonal barrel is in a greater area, but the rifling impression left is less deep, making its identification more difficult. Although there are differences in the stresses and strains obtained, similar velocity and pressure parameters are achieved in the two types of barrels. This has application in the development and standardization of new kinds of barrels and weapons.As a parameter important ballistic, the research about polygonal and grooved barrels’ behavior has not been widely carried out. The pressures, velocities, stresses, deformations, and strains generated by the firing of 9 mm × 19 mm ammunition in weapons with polygonal barrels are analyzed numerically and experimentally, compared with those generated in pistols with grooved barrels. The Finite Element Method with equal boundary and loading conditions was used in both types of guns, specifying the actual materials of the projectile and the barrels. Subsequently, experimental tests were carried out on various weapons with 9 mm ammunitions of 115, 122, and 124 gr. The results show that the 9 mm bullet fired in a polygonal barrel undergoes a maximum deformation towards its exterior of 0.178 mm and interior of 0.158 mm, with stress up to 295.85 MPa. Compared with 0.025 mm maximum external deformation and 0.112 mm internal deformation of 9 mm projectiles fired in a grooved barrel, with stress up to 269.79 MPa. The deformation in the polygonal barrel is in a greater area, but the rifling impression left is less deep, making its identification more difficult. Although there are differences in the stresses and strains obtained, similar velocity and pressure parameters are achieved in the two types of barrels. This has application in the development and standardization of new kinds of barrels and weapons


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    Un mecanismo de disparo para una arma automática con posibilidad de cambios entre modos de disparo semiautomático y automático, incluya un martillo, un fiador de automaticidad, una uña de retenida, un soporte de cierre, un disparador, una palanca de disparo y un dispositivo de selección. En el modo de tiro semiautomático, la palanca de disparo captura el martillo y lo mantiene en tensión cuando el disparador está liberado. Cuando el modo de disparo automático es seleccionado, la palanca de disparo y el disparador son movidos a una posición inactiva al tiempo que son restringidos por el eje selector que funge como un elemento limitador de movimiento.Described is a mechanism for tripping an automatic weapon, having the option to swap from a semiautomatic to an automatic tripping mode, the invention including a hammer, a trigger, a trip lever and a selecting mechanism. In the semiautomatic mode, the hammer is retained by the trip lever and maintained under tension when the trigger is released. When the automatic mode is selected, the trip lever and the trigger are displaced to an inactive position while are restricted by the selector axis, which acts as a restricting motion element